Had a good chuckle this morning over coffee. Watching out the window by my new 'office' space (read nook) in t
he kitchen, there are two baby groundhogs cavorting around and being just silly little toddlers. I will probably not be so benevolent about them when they start eating the garden, but on this gorgeous Sunday morning, they make me smile. I have been trying to get a photo of them but they are very camera shy (or maybe people shy). So, I guess Super Chuck was actually Super Charlene! The other happy news from the back yard is I do believe I have a bluebird making her nest in one of our bluebird boxes! I love when they come back, they are the most amazing shade of blue. Will steer clear of that corner for a bit and let Mama bird relax and get her brood going. Wish I could let the ducks continue to have fun in the pool, but this is really going over the top and taking advantage of our hospitality, lol! They are just going to have to move across the street to the pond.

I know I keep saying this, but the kitchen is quite nearly done. This week for absolute sure! I am just loving the new look, and can see what it will be now. What a huge difference! Just what I needed. So in spite of all the work, I'm glad I tackled this project! I feel so competent that I pulled this off with just a bit of help from my taller than me son!
We had a wonder Pink Twilight Sale last night at Make Mine Pink. This is a sale held every third Saturday of the month. What great bargains, but, man, you have to move fast! I tried for two different batches of vintage buttons and they were gone before I could get them clicked! Watch for the announcements for June's sale. It is really fun and fast paced. New things are added from 6PM until midnight, you just never know what will show up next.
The theme for this coming week's Make Mine Pink Friday Sale is Teatime and Roses. There are sure some marvelous themes this year. I'm enjoying each and every one of them. Be sure to check in on Friday, 12AM to Midnight (Eastern Time).
I do believe that is the news for today. Have a wonderful week,
Enjoyed your story of the animals. It is so fun to watch animals and people too. lol
It must be relaxing to you to sit there and have your coffee and enjoy the birds etc.
You don't get enough time to do things like that. So I hope they put a smile on your face today. Kath'
Isn't it fun to watch the animals playing in the yard! We had a swarm of bees out by the gazebo this morning. Although they are not cute and cuddly, watching them swirling and moving around the yard is quite amazing. I was thankful though, when they swirled out of site!
Love your new "office" site!
Olivia Paige
What a perfect spot to have your "office/reading" area!
Hope your enjoying the weekend.
I have a groundhog too! That little critter eats all my black eyed susans every year. He live under my porch and I would love to get rid of him, but nobody will find him a good home.
Hi Pat,,, the baby ground hogs sound so cute! I love the view from your new Office window. How pretty and peaceful. Cant wait to see photos of the kitchen redo. I know how much work this has been for you. Its such a great feeling to accomplish such a challenging goal! You go girl!
(()) gail
Hi Pat! That is some "bird's eye view" you have from your kitchen office window. Very meditative and just what you need to have a spa moment during the day. Enjoy those bluebirds.
The Polka Dot Rose
What a great view for an office, all the animals and you made me laugh over the ducks. Hope your kitchen gets finished soon.
Love your view while you work & what a neat animal story! They're cute while little, eh!
Have a great week, Pat.
Mary P
Hi Pat,
How relaxing! I enjoy looking at birdies too. I know you must be so busy with the kitchen redo. I can't wait to see it soon. Have a great week pinkie. I just wanted to say hello.
Janets Creative Pillows
Love your nook, looks so comfy!! I'm missing the wildlife here in SoCal, we only have some lizards and spiders over here, lol!!
I have never done the Pink Twilight Sale, maybe next time......
Hugs, Helene
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