I have had no trouble going on and on for the past year. Here I am at post 100 and feeling all nervous and my fingers don't want to type. What is this, I wonder? I have caught up on all the blogs I follow, found a few more to read and follow, got through all my emails and the filing of those from this past week. I've run out of ideas to put this off any longer. Maybe I need another cup of coffee. Be right back...................................
I had started this blog because I was starting my on line business. I had never even seen a blog 100 posts ago. Who says you can't teach an old dog new tricks? So what started out as a way to get my name out there, has turned into me chatting with my friends a few times a week. This has been an avenue to meet so many wonderful new friends. Thank you all who come to see what's going on in my business and my life, and thanks for allowing me to share yours as well. So, I have to try to ignore the fact that this is BLOG 100 and go on as usual. Ahem......
Late yesterday afternoon, a very dear friend came and dropped off a huge box of roses that were to be tossed in the trash at her job. Good heavens, can you imagine?? Well, take a look at just so

me of this bounty which will be turned into treasures in the near future:

Can you imagine these gorgeous blossoms going into the trash?? These are some of the most beautiful roses I have ever seen. There is not a shelf in two rooms (and one of them has built in floor to ceiling bookcases) that doesn't have a line up of flowers drying. Two mantles are hung with these gorgeous roses drying and two big boxes of petals waiting to start their second life as potpourri. I have to giggle when I say I'm going to work, does life get any better than this?
So, are you ready for the big give away? Leave a comment on this post and your name will be entered into the drawing for a fabulous prize. As of yesterday, it was going to be some stitchery. But as of last evening and all of these gorgeous roses, I am going to create a one of a kind dried flower tussy mussy. The roses have to dry, so I will have to ask the winner for a little patience, but trust me when I tell you this will be gorgeous! Good luck to all who enter.

Now, forward we go, this week (actually, today) the Pink Slot Machine is up and running at Make Mine Pink for a whole week. This is a blast! The boutique owners have had two trial runs with this and we had grand time. So pop on over to
www.makeminepink.com for all the details and to sign up to play. There is no purchase necessary but do take a few minutes after playing each day (did I mention you can play daily for a week?) to browse through the boutiques. It's a safe and friendly place to shop, to say nothing of the gorgeous one of a kind products. Prizes will be awarded daily, you don't want to miss out on this.
Has everyone been out puttering in the gardens yet? Well, not the Midwest I'm guessing. Heard about some snow happenings over there. The lilac buds look like they are ready to explode momentarily, daffodil and tulip greenery is up but no flowers yet, trees are starting to bud out and the world is waking up again. My chives are starting to pop up, cannot wait for the blossoms. Don't forget to pluck those blossoms and make some chive vinegar for those of you ahead of our growing season in the northeast. It is the prettiest lavender color, looks like liquid sapphires. I even have heard the peepers on a few of the warmer nights, guess they're looking for love!
Well, dear friends, have made it through my 100th post. It wasn't so bad once I finally got going. Back to normal later in the week, no more angst! Have a great week, enjoy the burgeoning of spring,
Patricia Rose-A Potpourri of Fabric, Fragrance and Findings