For all my pals who are bemoaning the fact they have no snow, I am sharing my winter wonderland out my front and back doors. It has finally stopped snowing again, the sun is out and it is truly a wonderland. It takes my breath away to look out the doors. I guess that little girl part of me will never get over the wonder of the beauty of it all, thank goodness!
From my front porch
From the back deck
Off the other side of the deck, that's my Rockefeller Christmas Tree!
aka the Cardinal Condo
This was a Christmas tree about 15 years ago!
aka the Chickadee Condo
Was hoping the deer or the turkeys would cooperate and come through so I could show you how funny they are. Maybe another time they'll not be so camera shy!
Have a great week all and stay warm
Hi Pat....thanks for the pretty snow pics...I love seeing them but you can keep the real stuff! :) That is quite a birdie condo you have out there too.
Pink hugs,
Hi Pat,,, the snow is so beautiful. I have to admit though I love looking at the pictures more than the real thing. lol I love the huge Christmas trees you have. They are awesome! Dont work too hard. Did you check out that link I sent you for athome work? Let me know what you think.
Happy Creating,,, hugs, gail
Thanks so much for the beautiful pictures of the snow. We have yet to see a flake as forecasted. I have my fingers and toes crossed.
Hope your having a wonderful day.
Pat, you have such pretty scenery at your house. The snow is beautiful! I live in Texas, so the closest I'll get to snow is looking at your pictures. Try to stay warm!
Hi Pat,
We are having a heatwave here, so the snow looks lovely and cool to me...looks so pretty!
Thank you for comment on my blog.
Julia ♥
Oooo it's so pretty! However, I could never live there as I have been in the South for so long that I can't take the cold. I live in NC, but could move to FL tomorrow! hee,hee,hee.
Thanks for sharing such beautiful photos though. Sending warm hugs to you and your family.
Pat, You're right there is nothing more beautiful then fresh snow. I never tire of it either. I know how shy turkeys are. Believe it or not, I have turkeys, beavers, deer, woodchucks, geese, squirrels out the ying yang, and these mean snapping turtles! But as the building keep going on... they are in danger of becoming less and less. I'll miss them. Love your tree too!
I never see snow! Thanks for sharing it. I love that you have still got contact with the little girl inside.
We all need to be in touch with the wonder. Lilli
So glad that our paths have crossed; thank you for sharing your snow! We were lucky to have a few inches here in Louisiana, right before Christmas! Your place is beautiful - love the condo!
Stay warm,
Hey Pat,
Thanks so much for the pics of the snow. I miss the snow but can't take the cold.
I have to agree fresh fallen snow is beautiful! We got plenty of that this week! I too am like a little girl especially on a clear winter evening when the moon is sparkling like diamonds on the snow and the stars are twinkling. It's breath taking! Thanks for the memories! Love the photos!
I just love it when it first snows and it's a perfect blanket of white! Your pictures are gorgeous! Stay warm!
Thank you for your lovely comments, everyone. I really do love it here, I have been so lucky to be able to enjoy this for the last 30 years.
We have had a touch of it...just enough to kiss the ground...that is enough!
Hello, I found your blog through One World One Heart and since we are pratically neighbours I thought I'd drop by. I'm not entering your lovely draw as I am trying to sort out my stuff and am trying not so add more goodies to the pile but I just wanted to say Hi and I love the snow and am so glad that over here in the UK we have had some - enough to make things pretty. Take care
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