Many of the boutiques have put an item in this amazing basket. Make sure you sign up to participate in this Shop Hop! The widget to take you to Make Mine Pink and read all about it is over on the right of this post. This is the most extravagant prize we have ever had, truly a one of a kind and never to be duplicated prize. Don't miss out on your chance to have this arrive on your doorstep!
I managed to avoid coming down with a full fledged case of the yucks last week. Thank heavens for something so simple as an herbal simmer to avoid getting laid up for a few days. You can keep a few on hand, get it at Patricia Rose. Who has time for getting sick at this time of the year?? Getting ready for Thanksgiving. Have already started shopping for the feast. Can hardly believe the holidays are upon us. Make sure you don't get too stressed out with all the preparations. Take some time for yourself and have a nice herbal soak to relieve tension and muscle aches. Take a look at some of the bath salts available at Patricia Rose. Fifteen minutes can turn your day around! Remember the essential oils of orange and lemon are great for keeping a good mood and a sense of humor, lavender is the all time favorite for staying calm and rosemary is good to stay alert.
Have a great week,
Love your post and adore the UGB!
Pale Pink And Roses
Hi Pat,
Only 39 days Yikes! That banner was a real eye opener. Thanks for the tips on herbs. I will stock up on orange for when I need a good laugh.
Hi Pat,
The christmas holidays are sure spproaching us in full speed...
The ultimate gift basket looks amazing!!
Have a great week!
Pei Li
I didn't know about the simmer, thank you for the info! Stay well!
What a lovely post, the goodie basket is fantastic, congratulations MMP.
That basket is just gorgeous. I'm so looking forward to the shop hop!
bunny hugs to you sweetness!
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